Willand Logo

The Community Hub of Willand

Willand Community Logo

Public web site
Member area
Secure workrooms

Tue 22 Oct 2024     


About this Site

The Willand Matters web site was set up some 10 years ago for the benefit of the village.  It contains a wide range of information and news from the various organisations and businesses in the village.  It is currently sponsored and funded by Information Flow Ltd, a village based company to ensure that the services are freely available to all.  The site is managed by Ray Ursell, a director of Information Flow and Past Chairman of the Parish Council.

This is your site - let us know what you want to see.  We have a page allocated for each organisation or business in the village.  If you want a page, please contact me (ray.ursell@informationflow.co.uk). There is no charge for this and you can update the page yourself. If you are based outside the village, you can advertise on the site for a small fee.

We are also looking for other sponsors in the village to allow us to add more facilities whilst keeping the site free for the village.  The running costs for the site and its support is approximately £600 per year and any monies in excess of this will be used to benefit the village. Sponsors logos and links will be added to a slider footer which will run across the bottom of all pages.



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