Willand Parish Magazine
The Willand Parish Magazine is published, bi-monthly, 6 times a year. It is delivered to every home in the village by volunteers and we are very grateful to them for providing this service. If you would be interested in getting involved in the production of the magazine then please get in touch. If you are able to help then please contact me on 07377556946 or email willandparishmag@gmail.com.
If you have any comments on the magazine or would like to submit copy/articles, please email to willandparishmag@gmail.com willandmagadvertising2023@gmail.com or contact me on 07377556946 Articles or letters, not just from residents, on any subject would always be welcome.
To enquire about advertising for future editions please contact me using the email or phone number above.
Sam Fincher
Please note the cut-off dates for input to issues for 2025 are as follows:
Cut Off dates
Wednesday 08 January
Wednesday 12 March
Wednesday 07 May
August/September |
Wednesday 09 July
Wednesday 10 September
December/January 2026 |
Wednesday 12 November |
Articles which have missed the magazine and updates or amendments
Are you passionate about good food?
Would you like to support people in your community to save money and plan, store and cook better to prevent food waste?
In Our Hands
Seeding Change
Culm Valley Methodist Church
You may have noticed some strange decorations hanging from the tree outside the church. They are CD's.