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Mon 20 Jan 2025     


The Queen's Diamond Jubilee

As well as the weekend celebrations held on 2nd and 3rd June 2012, the Jubilee Committe put in place a number of things which will serve as a reminder of this very special event


Please hold your mouse over the image to pause the slideshow


We have planted three trees in the village to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee.  These are:

  • In the triangle of land at the Esso garage end of the village near to the Willand sign
  • Adjacent to the phone box in Silver Street
  • In the scool grounds.


We have had two benches installed along Jaycroft as this is an extremely popular area for walkers.

Notice Boards

We have installed new notice boards at the One-Stop and the entrance to the village hall. One of the old notice boards has been refurbished and installed outside the restaurant at the Esso garage.


We have installed Closed Circuit Television in and around the Village Hall.  We will be able to monitor the field and car parks before and after the celebrations.

Parish Field

The Parish Council has  renamed the Parish Field to the Jubilee Playing Field to commemorate this special event.


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