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Tue 22 Oct 2024     

Willand - Now and Then

Willand Health and Community Centre

Celebrating a non event
Is the provision of a Community Room for the next 99 years a real opportunity for the village?

What now for Health and Community Services in Willand?
Moving on from the disappointment of no longer having a Health and Community Centre, what can we do?

Notes from Ken wood
Former WHCC Chair and construction project manager

Speculation?, Rumour?, Misinformation? timeline 2
A Tale of Two Leases

Speculation?, Rumour?, Misinformation? timeline 1
Project setup

Speculation?, Rumour?, Misinformation?
Response to the paragraph in the Village magazine

Willand Health and Community Centre

Over the years there have been attempts to build Health and Community Services in the village.  All have been thwarted for different  reasons.  Over the period, the village has grown by at least a factor of 5 with now approximately 1500 houses and many more planned. We need medical and community services in the village so that we can help and support our residents of all ages. 

A series of articles have been written to show the most recent attempts to introduce these services.  these are accessible above.  We will now add earlier attempts from as far back as 1972.

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