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Sun 09 Feb 2025     

Force Cancer Charity

Force Cancer Charity Poster

FORCE – Friends of the Oncology and Radiotherapy Centre, Exeter

FORCE Cancer Charity is based in Exeter.

It believes that anyone affected by cancer deserves the best possible treatment and professional support close to home and face-to-face.

Since 1987 the charity has been funding local research and buying equipment to improve patient care at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital.

In 2004 FORCE opened a Cancer Support and Information Centre in the grounds of the RD&E. The Centre is open every weekday 9:30-4:30 (Wednesdays 6:30) for people needing physical, emotional, psychological and practical support at a difficult time in their lives. The Centre receives around 25,000 visits a year with patients, their families, carers and friends all able to access support. It has a well-stocked library and information nurses on hand to help with questions and offer advice.

There are counselling services for individuals and within support groups, including for children and young people, plus complementary therapies, exercise guidance, relaxation and mindfulness sessions, a benefits advice service, help to cope with hair loss and a wig fitting service. FORCE also offers support and information sessions once a week in Tiverton and Okehampton with plans to offer a service in East Devon. The charity also funds the delivery of chemotherapy in Tiverton and Okehampton.

All of FORCE’s services are free of charge. Since the charity was founded it has spent well over £8million on support, equipment and research. FORCE receives no Government funding. The charity needs to raise £1.5million every year to maintain the services it offers. That money comes entirely from voluntary contributions - legacies, donations, the FORCE charity shop and from fundraising events.

Fantastic support from the community it serves enables FORCE to fulfil its mission to support anyone locally affected by cancer.

About FORCE Cancer Charity

  • FORCE stands for Friends of the Oncology and Radiotherapy Centre Exeter
  • FORCE works locally to offer face-to-face support for anyone affected by cancer.
  • An independent charity founded in 1987, it provides help for patients, their families and friends at its Support Centre in the grounds of the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital.
  • It also funds a local research programme and has spent more than £1million on high-tech equipment to enhance patient care at the hospital.
  • In 2014 it launched outreach services in Tiverton and Okehampton with others planned
  • In 2017 FORCE began funding the delivery of chemotherapy in Tiverton and Okehampton
  • All FORCE services are offered free of charge.
  • The charity needs to raise £1.5 million every year to maintain its services
  • Twitter: @forcecancer
  • Facebook: www.facebook.com/forcecancercharity
  • Web: www.forcecancercharity.co.uk
  • Registered Charity Number: 1140676


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