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Sun 09 Feb 2025     
2 Sisters Food Group

It is well know that the Lloyd Maunder abattoir and meat packing site has been a part of the village for over a hundred years however some may not be aware that in 2009 the business site was leased to 2 Sisters Food Group.

2 Sisters Food Group was established in 1993 by our Chief Executive, Ranjit Singh, and remains a privately owned company. During this period the company has evolved from a small scale frozen retail cutting operation to a world class food company, serving the retail, foodservice and manufacturing sectors.

Today, 2 Sisters Food Group has 11 manufacturing sites in the UK, six in Holland &  one in Poland and following the acquisition of Northern Foods earlier this year, 2 Sisters Food Group now employs 16,000 people.
Our agricultural partners manage centres of excellence and apply best principles in terms of animal welfare and food safety. They cover a wide range of production systems ranging from farm assured, through to free range, freedom food, corn fed and organic chickens.

Given the sites longstanding association with the village we are keen to continue being an integral part of the community.  During 2011 we have established a link with the committee of the Parish Council who meet with us on a regular basis in order to provide an overview of what we are doing or have planned and discuss issues that may have an impact on the village.

The business is committed to work toward being more "eco friendly” and considers the following to be key elements:

  • Food Safety – The meat industry is the most regulated and audited in the UK. The Food Standards Agency requires that Vetinary officers are present throughout the day ensuring the welfare of the chicken from when they arrive at site and during production.
  • Environmental – Having been issued with a Permit we are monitored on environmental performances by the Environment Agency. Over recent years we have sought to minimise our carbon footprint by reducing our distribution emissions and lowering our energy usage.
  • Waste management – The group is working towards zero waste going to land fill. This demands that we recycle where possible i.e. plastic, cardboard, wood, batteries, printer cartridges, lighting and metals.
  • Ethical Standards – Ensuring health and welfare of the people we employ is important as is training and equality for all staff.

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2 Sisters Food Group


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General:    01884 822539 
Incidents:  0800 80 70 60




2 Sisters Food Group
Lloyd Maunder Road
EX15 2PJ

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